What inhabits the center of our lives?
I like this metaphor: walking stick as axis of the universe.
Related thought: Wherever you go, there you are.
In the immortal words of Igor to Dr. Frankstein, "Could be worse, Master. Could be raining."
We've all had hikes that should have remained un-hiked, but then we'd have no funny stories or no stories of peace and beauty to tell.
Beautiful. ❤️
I like this metaphor: walking stick as axis of the universe.
Related thought: Wherever you go, there you are.
In the immortal words of Igor to Dr. Frankstein, "Could be worse, Master. Could be raining."
We've all had hikes that should have remained un-hiked, but then we'd have no funny stories or no stories of peace and beauty to tell.
Beautiful. ❤️