Russell, this is absolutely beautiful. And it touched something in me that’s been stirring lately. For a long time, I have pulled back from doing things like sending cards because it felt like more of a formality than something important or special. But then I got a birthday card from a friend at church that really touched me. She took the time not only to write a personal message inside but also to include a couple of scripture cards, add stickers, and even sprinkle in a handful of birthday confetti that fell out when I opened the card.

That made me realize a lot of what you said in this post: the true specialness of something personalized, made or written just for you. It makes me want to break out the cardstock, the markers, and yes, the stickers, and start sending those kinds of written communications to people I care about. 💕

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My phone calls had huge payoffs. Letters are easier for me than phone calls, so that's next, but first I'm going to get some cool stationary.

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