woo hoo!!! What a fantastic, brave piece. I so admire you!! Shout out to Foster for bringing us all together to share our experiences.

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This was my Russell day today 😊 I curled up with a cup of "Bei Dou" tea from your collection, caught up and commented on Foster Season 2 pieces with the same supportive thoughtfulness that you always bring to others, and wrapped up the day reading your beautiful, touching, honest piece. Thank you for all of it my friend 🙏🏼 I feel truly uplifted at the end of this piece, and it brings me back to the inspiration I found on the retreat. Now to carry this feeling into my own writing next week 😅 all I know is that I'll definitely be telling myself to "go supersonic" 💥

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The images, the "negative" event beaten cycle, and the continuous smile brought unexpected wetness to my eyes. Loved the piece, how you love yourself, and how you let others, including me, give love to you.

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Amazing! I recently read The Comfort Crisis and I can safely say you don’t have to worry about that. I might need to find a few more hard things to incorporate into my own life though. I love how you sum up the wonder for your life. It really is a thing at which to marvel.

Also, this part: “that feelings of strength and well-being came from doing the actions of strength and well-being” made me think of a Wendell Berry quote:

“Good forms confer good health upon the things that they gather together. Farms, families, and communities are forms of art, just as are poems, paintings, and symphonies. None of these things would exist if we did not make them. We can make them either well or poorly. This choice is another thing we make.”

Well done gathering and cultivating a love for your frame.

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You are incredible, Russell. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself in this piece. It's just beautiful and so inspiring.

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Wow. Not sure what else to say other than INCREDIBLE 🙏. So much of what you said - particularly about listening to your body - resonated with me regardless of how our life experiences may seem different at face value. Magical. A wonderful demonstration of how our spirits are so much more similar and connected than the physical would have us believe. I found myself copying and pasting so many of your words into a separate doc to return to later, nodding and tearing up at the truths you so beautifully put into words. Thank you so much, Russell :)

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Russell, this piece brought me to tears. Your journey is one of a true warrior. One of thriving in life despite the cards you’ve been dealt. Truly inspiring in every way. I was thinking of being lazy today and not working out but you gave me the nudge I needed. Thank you for sharing your story! You’re the man! 💪

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I cannot tell you how much this essay means to me. Russell, thank you for offering this great message of defiance and commitment. There are profound lessons here for me, and I am so grateful you have shared them.

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What an incredibly powerful piece, Russell. I could see this piece being published in a big publication. Have you considered submitting it anywhere? It’s so well written and uplifting. I’ll think of you as it gets into hiking season here on Arran, when I’m trying to keep the weight of my pack down, ha ha.

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These PHOTOS though! And I absolutely love that you worked up the courage to call up that trainer. Like the doctor said, the mental health benefits of exercise count for a lot. You're inspiring me to get back into a routine...

So grateful to Foster for introducing me to you and your writing, Russell!

Hoya Saxa. :)

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Thank you for taking us on this beautiful journey with you, Russell. I can only imagine how difficult this was to write. But I can, in some ways, understand the struggle to love your body—my own struggle has taken me through an eating disorder, a discovery of strength training (yep, me too!), and a massive change in diet over the years. Every step of the way has been a learning experience—and there have been many difficult moments emotionally and spiritually.

I'm uplifted by your story, your journey, and your determination. I can see how much courage it took, and I found myself celebrating with you as I followed your steps along the road to embracing your body and what it can do. What an amazing path—I wish you all the best as you continue to follow it!

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Russell this beautiful reminder came at just the right moment in my postpartum journey- thank you for your humor, openness, and humanity.

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Amazing journey and story. Thanks for sharing so openly. Inspiring and powerful. Stay supersonic and let’s go for a walk if you find yourself back in DC.

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What a beautiful and inspiring piece this is, Russell.

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You're the man. Thanks for your honesty and for the motivation. Great article.

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