Thank you for sharing about the importance of keeping journals! I would add to this an encouragement to keep any writing that one does! Even old “lists” can serve to help me understand the breadcrumbs both behind and ahead in my life. I have a long snail mail pen-pal relationship with a college friend. We share so often how many times we happen upon what we perceive as “new insight” and then find in an old journal that we have crossed this path of learning at least one time before. Our many years of letter writing has created a shared history that will be gifted back to our families when we move along to the world after our lives on this earth. We both save our correspondence and read back over it frequently. Thanks for your writing Russell! It matters!

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Thank you, Alice. There are few things better than a written letter. And an extended written correspondence with a dear friend sounds like a cornerstone of a life beautifully lived to me.

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Beautifully written, Russell. I'm one of the lucky ones who did keep their old journals, although there was an A4 pad from 1987 that I transcribed into DayOne and then threw the pad away. I regret that. It had loads of drawings of Genesis album covers in it, as I was just discovering the band then (Invisible Touch tour was my first ever gig, Hampden Park, Glasgow,1987). I'm glad I still have a record of what I wrote then, but the actual writing would be way better.

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