My extraordinary yoga instructor, Laurie LeCompte, recently profiled me for her blog. Some excerpts:
“In the beginning, his yoga goal was simple: he basically wanted to see if he could do it.
“Despite the difficulties practicing with a congenital heart defect poses, Russell has made more progress than he ever imagined possible. For perspective, Russell and I started out doing mostly chair yoga with some standing postures, and he can now hold a plank longer than most people! This massive improvement is as much of a testament to his dedication and consistency, as it is to his trust that starting small and smart can lead to incredible long-term progress.
“Russell knows his practice is never over, that there are always ways to improve. He is committed even when progress is slow or non-linear.”
Do read the entire essay. And check out my interview with Laurie and my exploration of my evolving relationship with my body. Yoga with Laurie has played an enormous role in that metamorphosis.
Consistency has also emerged as a theme in many of the responses to my survey about prayer, meditation and mindfulness practices. Among many generous and conspicuous insights, respondents have shared that they prize their steady practice or they seek greater constancy.
If you haven’t responded to the survey, I’d very much welcome your views. Answer as many or as few questions — with as much or as little detail — as you’d like.
Recent Walks
You’re Drinking It, You Should Enjoy It!
“Solvitur Ambulando” Means “Solve It By Walking”
Spiritual Companionship Walks
A Retrospective
A Year of Full Reading
Photography by Andrea Hughes.
One of the biggest mindshifts for me was realizing that small/easy consistent actions take you much further than herculean heroic efforts done once in a while.
Bravo, Russell! You're an inspiration. And yes, consistency is a very powerful tool. I couldn't agree more.