Leguin's Tao Te Chin was maybe my favorite book I read in 2023!

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I love your list, Russell !! I've just ordered The Upanishads.

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You'll love them, Patricia!

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I love your book list! I'd advocate for more Vonnegut. Also, if you haven't read Frankenstein - you must. Deeply philosophical exploration of despair. It's better than the movie!

Track down Mawson's Will by Lennard Bickel - it's one of the best polar survival stories -ever! (Not mountain climbing, but the same adventure vibe)

And because we all need humor in our lives, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal. It's a classic!

"And Marley was dead, to begin with." So glad the tradition continues! Happy & Merry to you and yours!

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Oh, never heard of Mawson's Will, I will check it out. Same with Lamb.

I have read Frankenstein, but it's been 35 years. I will re-read it soon!

Terrific! Thanks, Jude!

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delighted you went back to Boswell!

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