Beautiful essay! I’ve got great fodder for walks that I need to begin!!

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These are so good... easy prompts to bring me into the present, the simplicity of the extraordinary. Also, an exercise in removing me from the ego. I appreciate that too!

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Amazing and peace-inducing essay. Recently I’ve come to appreciate that one of the more underrated life skills is to be directly in tune with your surroundings (and with your own body and feelings too). It’s very easy to get lost in the illusion of separateness and abstract thought, and you lose something vital when you spend too much time there.

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As always, a beautiful and sensitive essay. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. For me, it's biking or skiing -- that's when I can let my thoughts wander. This morning, it was sitting in our little piazza, sipping a cappuccino, watching fluffy white clouds drift around, that made me happy.

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Russell I would like to give Sally Barr a subscription to Solvitur Ambulando How do I do this thx Mollie

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As always, Russell, a joy to read and thought-provoking. I spend time walking (or driving) often thinking about how to be a better partner to Catherine. I'm pretty self-absorbed, and she takes it well, but I'm constantly trying not to be and identifying opportunities to be less so. Would that I were better at it.

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I loved this, Russell. Both the external openness to seeing, hearing, and experiencing nature (especially the birds!) and the world around you while walking, along with the introspection that helps foster self improvement and sustaining/enriching your most important relationships. Lovely.

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This spoke to my condition - particularly the introduction about walking without using my phone for anything. What beauty am I seeing? What birds am I hearing? What new thing has appeared since I last walked here?

The other questions presuppose daily interaction with a family. As a single person, I have a different spectrum of people I interact with. How am I a good friend? How am I a responsible committee member?

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Your questions are also excellent questions. Thank you.

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Beautiful questions

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