Whitehall is a beautiful historic home and gardens, not far from my house. We’ve taken family photos here. Our wonderful friend, Whitney Watt, serves on the Board. Soon we will attend its annual “Bluegrass & BBQ” party, which offers me pretty much the only chance each year to wear my unbelievably awesome cowboy hat. My wife can’t wait!
I rucked this walk, carrying 10 lbs and a huge water bottle. I came to see that rucking and these walks kind of work at cross purposes. Rucking, to me, means exercise, sweat, hardship, endurance, bearing down with determined focus. Usually I listen to some kick-ass music while rucking, to pump up my blood and enthusiasm. On these Walks in Nature, I haven’t listened to anything except the sounds encircling me.
I stopped playing music once I arrived. Still, the rucksack on my back made the experience feel different. Not ruined, not at all…but, well, not really the point. Even though I slowed to my normal Walks in Nature pace, the weight on my back seemed to propel me forward, faster. It resisted lingering.
In the future, when I ruck, I’ll ruck. When I walk, I’ll walk.
What a glorious day for a ruck or a walk! The colorful flowers popped. The gardens shimmered – as if touched by heaven as a place of all cloudless glory here on earth. What a day!