Many problems and ideas in life come into better focus when we walk and think (not necessarily alone), or walk and converse (not necessarily with others). Would you join me for a walk?
“Solvitur Ambulando” means “solve it through walking.” Through this newsletter, we’ll examine philosophy, books, ideas, place and life. Here, we will walk, meander, tramp and occasionally ruck. No running though; we’ll lose too much of the nuance of life. As Stephen Graham writes in The Gentle Art of Tramping, “The richest people in life are the good listeners. If, however, you also must talk, must reveal your life, your heart, your prejudices and passions, it will often happen that you will express yourself to yourself, as much as to your friend. Self-confession is growth of the mind, an enriching of the consciousness. In talk which seems idle enough you may be reaching out toward the infinite.”
Let’s take a walk, and reach out toward the infinite. Thank you for your kind company.
Sincerely, Russell Smith
Note: if you want to more about my work as a residential real estate agent at Kentucky Select Properties in Louisville, Kentucky, you can find it here.
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